Record Trades - Bond


The table below contains all of the transactions that can be recorded for a Bond. Click any of the links to view the procedure for entering the selected transaction.

Debt instruments are not supported by GainsKeeper’s security master record, however bond and similar debt investment transactions may be loaded to the product. The security record will include elements from the transactions that will facilitate debt basis calculations such as total gains and loss and wash sale calculations. GainsKeeper will perform validation on the elements to ensure correct format, prevent inconsistencies, and alert users to potential missing data but is not able to calculate debt specific basis adjustments or calculations.



Adjusted Lot

Use this transaction to set the 'baseline date A benchmark date used as a basis for comparison.' in order to prevent a corporate action from processing against a position that you have already adjusted.


Use this transaction to manually record positions that you held open at the time your broker sent your trade data.


Use this transaction to purchase a specified bond quantity.

Cover FIFO

Use this transaction to manually close short activity for a bond using the first in, first out (FIFO) method.


Use this transaction to add shares and cost basis for unusual transactions such as voluntary corporate actions, transfers out, gifted shares or to make minor share adjustments.

Sell by ID

Use this transaction to sell a bond quantity using the Specific ID method.


Use this transaction to record a sell using the first in, first out (FIFO) method.


Use this transaction to record a highest in, first out (HIFO) sell for a bond.


Use this transaction to manually record a last in, first out (LIFO) sell for a bond.

Sell LowCost

Use this transaction to close long lots with the lowest tax cost in order to maximize gain.


Use this transaction to sell a bond quantity, using the default method selected on the My Settings: Edit Account Info page.

Transfer by ID

Use this transaction to transfer a quantity between accounts, and specify the lots from which to transfer that quantity.


Use this transaction to transfer a bond quantity between accounts.

Withdraw by ID

Use this transaction to withdraw a specific bond quantity, and specify the lots from which to withdraw that quantity.


Use this transaction to withdraw a bond quantity.