PricingGainsKeeper offers investors a five-tier subscription price schedule. Subscriptions include GainsKeeper's cost basis calculator, BasisPro, to help investors recreate the historical cost basis of positions in their portfolios. Subscription levels are priced on the number of transactions entered into your GainsKeeper portfolio. Subscriptions are good for one year, or until your trade limit is exceeded. If your trading activity and/or BasisPro calculations exceed the number of trades and calculations included in your subscription, you may purchase another subscription level or you can keep your current subscription and purchase additional trade buckets or BasisPro calculations. If you have any unused trades or BasisPro calculations, you can roll over the remaining balance to a new subscription. Please note that this only applies, if you renew at the same subscription level or higher and prior to the expiration account date. Any accounts renewed on or after the expiration date (or at a lower subscription level) will reset with a new trade count. If you have a promotional code, please enter it when purchasing your subscription. Discounts from promotional codes will be applied to the regular subscription price.
Subscription LevelsInvestor150 Trader1000 Trader3000 Trader5000 TraderElite GainsKeeper Trade Buckets
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