Break-out your Position


Use this page to baseline shares that were a result of multiple purchase transactions with different acquisition dates and cost.



  1. Click the Break-out Lot button from the Initial Baseline Process page. The Baseline Your Position page displays.

  2. The symbol of the security displays in the Symbol field by default. To enter baseline information for a different security, update the symbol in this field.

  3. The CUSIP of the security displays in the CUSIP field by default. To enter baseline information for a different security, update the CUSIP in this field.

  4. The type of security displays by default in the Type field. This field cannot be edited on this page.

  5. The number of units displays by default in the Units field. To change the number of units, update the amount in this field.

  6. Select whether the investment is Long or Short by selecting the appropriate radio button in the Investment Type field.

  7. Enter the Baseline Date, which is the last date that you updated your holdings and cost basis. You can also click the Calendar icon and select the appropriate date from the calendar that displays.

  8. The number of shares purchased displays in the Shares field by default. To change the number of shares, update the amount in this field.

  9. The date the shares were purchased displays in the Purchase Date field by default. To change this date, enter the correct date in this field, or click the Calendar icon and select the appropriate date from the calendar that displays.

  10. Enter the total cost as of the baseline date in the Total Cost as of field.

  11. To add an additional lot, click the Additional Lot button. An additional row displays to enter the additional lot information.

  12. To record the baseline information, click the Record button. To leave this page, without recording the baseline information, click the Cancel button.



Click here to view an example of the Baseline Your Position page.



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