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Use the page to generate the following types of reports in GainsKeeper:
Realized Report - This report displays the gains and losses you incurred from the sale of your shares. Be sure to include GainsKeeper's Realized Capital Gain & Loss Report with your Schedule D for tax filing.
Unrealized Report - This report can be generated for long or short holdings. It displays the gains and losses you would recognize if you were to sell your shares at today's market price. It is the difference between the current market value and the cost of your shares.
Mark-to-Market Report - This report should only be used if you file your taxes as a professional trader and you have elected to use mark-to-market accounting with the IRS. This report is for the IRS Form 4797 and should not be used for the Schedule D. You will only be able to generate a Mark-to- Market report for those accounts designated with the MTM type in GainsKeeper.
Click here to view an example of the Custom Reporting page.