The table below contains all of the transactions that can be recorded for a Mutual Fund. Click any of the links to view the procedure for entering the selected transaction.
Transaction |
Description |
Use this transaction to set the 'baseline date A benchmark date used as a basis for comparison.' in order to prevent a corporate action from processing against a position that you have already adjusted. | |
Use this transaction to record a short position in your account that you do not want tracked before a certain date (baseline date), that includes all proceeds information and any adjustments to the position prior to that date. | |
Use this page to manually record short positions that you held open at the time your broker sent your trade data. | |
Use this transaction to manually record positions that you held open at the time your broker sent your trade data. | |
Use this transaction to purchase shares of a specific mutual fund. | |
Use this transaction to manually record closing short activity for a mutual fund, using the first in, first out (FIFO) method. | |
Use this transaction to record fractional shares into your account that were created by corporate actions. | |
Use this transaction to record closing short activity for a mutual fund, and specify from which lot ID(s) to allocate shares to cover. | |
Use this transaction to record closing short activity, using the highest in, first out (HIFO) method. | |
Use this transaction to record closing short activity, using the lowest in, first out (LIFO) method. | |
Use this transaction to manually close short lots, with the highest tax proceeds, in order to maximize gain. | |
Use this transaction to manually record closing short activity for a mutual fund, using the default method selected on the My Settings: Edit Account Info page. | |
Use this page to manually add a position to your account, without affecting your gains/losses. | |
Use this transaction to manually record a dividend reinvestment (DivRe) for a mutual fund. | |
Use this transaction to manually record a long term capital gain reinvestment for a mutual fund. | |
Use this transaction to manually exercise rights for a mutual fund. | |
Use this transaction to manually expire rights for a mutual fund. | |
Use this transaction to manually record a sell for a mutual fund, using the Average Cost accounting method. | |
Use this transaction to sell shares of a mutual fund, using the Specific ID method. | |
Use this transaction to record a sell using the first in, first out (FIFO) method. | |
Use this transaction to record a highest in, first out (HIFO) sell for a mutual fund. | |
Use this transaction to manually record a last in, first out (LIFO) sell for a mutual fund. | |
Use this transaction to close long lots with the lowest tax cost in order to maximize gain. | |
Use this transaction to manually record open short activity for a mutual fund. | |
Use this transaction to sell shares of a mutual fund using the default sell method selected on the My Settings: Edit Account Info page. | |
Use this transaction to manually record a short term capital gain reinvestment for a mutual fund. | |
Use this transaction to transfer shares between accounts, and specify the lots from which to transfer those shares. | |
Use this transaction to transfer mutual fund shares between accounts. | |
Use this transaction to manually exercise warrants for a mutual fund. | |
Use this transaction to manually expire warrants for a mutual fund. | |
Use this transaction to withdraw specific shares, and specify the lots from which to withdraw those shares. | |
Use this transaction to remove shares and cost basis for unusual transactions like voluntary corporate actions, transfers out, gifted shares or to make minor share adjustments |