An exchange traded fund (ETF) is an investment vehicle made up of a fixed portfolio of stocks that usually matches a particular stock index, or tracks a specific sector of the stock market. They are generally fixed pools with little or no management activity. An ETF is typically taxed as a mutual fund under tax rules for regulated investment companies and its shares are generally treated as stock for tax purposes.
Use this page to manually record a withdraw transaction for an ETF. Record a Withdraw transaction to remove shares and cost basis for unusual transactions like voluntary corporate actions, transfers out, gifted shares or to make minor shares adjustments. Withdraw transactions will not show up in your Buy activity, Realized gain/loss reports, or your Schedule D. They are intended for transactions that do not generate any proceeds or capital gain/loss.
Click one of the icons above to view either a list of the transactions available for that category, or click the Baseline Holdings icon to access the Add New Baseline Holdings page.
From the Manually Record Trades page, click the Record ETF icon to access the ETF - Record Transaction. From this page, select Withdraw from the Action drop-down list. The ETF - Record Withdraw Transaction page displays.
Select the account to which to record this transaction, from the In Account drop-down list. If you only have one account, this drop-down list is not displayed.
By default, the Action on this page is set to Withdraw. To change this, select a different transaction from the Action drop-down list. The fields that display depend on the transaction that is selected. To withdraw shares, and allocate specific shares to withdraw, enter an ETF - Record Withdraw by ID Transaction page.
Enter the date of the transaction in the Transaction Date (mm/dd/yyyy) field. You can also click the Calendar icon and select the appropriate transaction date from the calendar that displays.
Select the Symbol radio button - Enter the security Symbol in the field provided and select whether it is Long or Short. You can then click Verify to confirm you have entered the correct symbol for the security. Once you click Verify, the corresponding 9-digit CUSIP displays in the CUSIP field.
Select the CUSIP radio button - Enter the 9-digit CUSIP of the security in the field provided. You can then click Verify to confirm you have entered the correct CUSIP for the security. Once you click Verify, the corresponding security symbol displays in the Symbol field.
Select the type of security from the Security Type drop-down list. By default, this field is set to ETF for this transaction.
To record the Withdraw transaction, click the Record transaction. To record the transaction and continue to enter additional transactions, click the Record & Repeat button. To leave this page, without recording the transaction, click the Cancel button.
Click here to view an example of the ETF - Record Withdraw Transaction page.
Click any of the numbered areas below to view the procedure step for the selected field.