Add New Owner


New owners should only be created for individuals (usually spouses) who file taxes jointly with the primary owner of this GainsKeeper portfolio. If you add transactions for owners who do not file jointly with you, your Schedule D and capital gain/loss reports will be inaccurate.

For accurate capital gain/loss reporting, GainsKeeper will apply wash sale calculations across all holdings entered for all owners. For example, if you sell a stock for a loss and your wife purchases the same stock in the wash sale window, the purchase will be adjusted for a wash sale. This must be done for accurate Schedule D creation and tax filing purposes. For this reason, family or friends that do not file a joint IRS tax return with you, must register for a separate GainsKeeper user ID. If you are uncertain of your filing status, please have your friends or family open a separate GainsKeeper account. GainsKeeper will not separate accounts that incorrectly added Owners who do not file jointly.



To add a new owner:

  1. Click the My Settings tab at the top of GainsKeeper. The My Settings page displays.

  2. Click the Add New Owner link under Maintain your accounts. A page containing the above considerations displays. After you have reviewed the information, click Yes to continue to add a new owner. The Add New Owner page displays.

  3. Enter the following information for the new owner:

  1. Click Continue. The Confirm New Owner Person Information page displays.

  2. To confirm the addition of the new owner, click OK. To return to the previous screen and make additional changes, click Go Back. To close this screen without saving the new owner, click Cancel.

  3. Once the addition of the new owner has been confirmed, the Create New Account page automatically displays in GainsKeeper.



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