If you activated AOL's Mail & Spam Controls, you must permission the
gainskeeper.com domain so that AOL does not block emails from GainsKeeper. This
must be done in order to receive your GainsKeeper password and be able to receive
GainsKeeper's customer support emails.
If you activated your SPAM controls and do not follow the below directions, you will be unable to use GainsKeeper's service.
The easiest way to prevent AOL from blocking GainsKeeper's emails is to use the
"Custom Sender List" Spam option. Sign in to your AOL account and enter the Mail
Spam Controls section.
From the Mail and Spam Controls page, click the circle next to "Use a Custom Sender
List" option.
Now click the link "Custom Sender List" link to prevent AOL from blocking specific email
addresses and/or email domains. To receive GainsKeeper emails, type
'gainskeeper.com' and click the add button.
This instructs AOL to accept any email from the @gainskeeper.com domain. You should
also add any other email addresses for friends and family that you don't want AOL to
treat as spam and block.