GainsKeeper generates a 1099-B Summary based on your recorded transactions to compare with your brokerage 1099-B reports. Total 1099-B reflects all proceeds received from SELL and SHORT SELL trades in STOCK, MUTUAL FUND, and OTHER securities, in addition to sell trades resulting from the exercise or assignment of stock options. No option trade information is included on the Total 1099-B. Commissions are deducted from the trade proceeds reported on the 1099-B.
Use this page to confirm that your GainsKeeper Unrealized portfolio (long and short views) shows holdings that match what you actually owned in your brokerage account as of the end-of-year.
To view a summary of your recorded transactions to compare with your brokerage 1099-B reports, from the Check-Up page:
Click the Compare your 1099-B link next to the Reconcile your GainsKeeper portfolio with brokerage end-of-year statements alert. The GainsKeeper Check-Up: Form 1099-B Summary page displays.
To view the summary information for a different year, select the appropriate year from the year drop-down list at the top of this page.
To return to the Check-Up
page, click the yellow arrow at the top of the page.
Click here to view a portion of the GainsKeeper Check-Up: Form 1099-B Summary page.
This tool is designed to help you easily reconcile your taxable gain/loss, as reported by GainsKeeper, to your 1099-B. The example below highlights any differences in the following:
Options - Brokers do not report proceeds on options, but the IRS requires them to be reported, and they are included on your GainsKeeper report. The 1099-B comparison tool gives you a sum total for all options proceeds reported in your current year proceeds.
Short Sells - Brokers report proceeds on shorts in the year that the short is executed, regardless of when the short is covered. In accordance with the IRC, GainsKeeper reports proceeds on short sells in the year that the short is covered. This tool identifies any differences in proceeds caused by short sells executed in the current tax year that were not closed by 12/31, or short sales opened in prior tax years that were covered in the current tax year.
Proceeds from certain corporate actions - Your broker will not adjust your proceeds for certain types of corporate actions, but GainsKeeper will. Your 1099-B comparison tool will identify any instances where you have proceeds from corporate actions not reported by your broker.